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Week 12 - Boardgames
November 15, 2021
Arc Games
I chose Mice And Mystics as the game I will analyze this week. It is a story-based RPG board game centered around a few adventurous mice. The game is split up into chapters, each with its own unique m...
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Week 11 - The Cooler Dice
November 08, 2021
Arc Games
Our game took a lot of time. It took a LONG time to complete. Between Monday night and Thursday afternoon, we probably spent close to 20 hours on our game. We were tirelessly creating, modifying, adju...
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Week 10 - Dice (Battle Battle)
October 31, 2021
Arc Games
While trying to balance my custom cards in Battle Battle, I took the easy path of not using any tokens. It was easier to balance a character that performed roughly the same every time. But, this also...
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Week 9 - Star Cards
October 22, 2021
Arc Games
Getting started was the most difficult part of this project. We decided on a Star Wars theme very early on, but the difficult part was deciding what to do with that theme. Specifically, we wanted to d...
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Week 8 - Cards
October 15, 2021
Arc Games
In class, I played Control on Tuesday. It was very interesting and incorporated several elements that utilized the unique characteristics of playing cards. The game was centered around secrecy and str...
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Week 7 - Paper Prototype Reflection 3 (With More Finger Guns)
October 10, 2021
Arc Games
Looking back at Super Paper Mario, I realize that I probably would not have liked playing it as much now as compared to when I played it as a kid. This partially explains why creating a fun paper prot...
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Week 6 - Paper Prototype Reflection 2 (Electric Boogaloo)
October 03, 2021
Arc Games
The game I decided to model this week was Super Paper Mario for the Wii. I wanted to model the dimension flipping aspect of the game because I thought it was a very interesting idea that could benefit...
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Week 5 - Paper Prototype Reflection
September 26, 2021
Arc Games
Prototyping our game allowed us to see where people struggled in certain parts. What seemed to make perfect sense to us would take a few minutes of explaining for others to understand. I find it ironi...
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Week 4 - Sport Analysis
September 18, 2021
Arc Games
Soccer is arguably the most popular sport in the world (and the only sport that I have actually played). I was surprised that both Tim Rogers and Bennett Foddy ranked it so highly in terms of game des...
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Week 3 - Design Reflection
September 12, 2021
Arc Games
Trying to design a game with certain goals in mind was both interesting and challenging. In particular, creating a game that didn’t favor athletic ability took a lot of thoughtful design. Most folk...
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Week 2 - Design Process
September 05, 2021
Arc Games
Design is a weird process. It’s one of the most creative experiences a person can participate in, but it also requires a rigid structure to be effective. For me, I have to constantly remind myself o...
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Week 1 - Introduction
August 28, 2021
Arc Games
Like most people, I am taking this class to earn the Game Design and Culture certificate. But more than that, I want to go into game design as my future career. I think that this class will help me to...
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